This Month
Garden Tasks for September
Divide herbaceous perennials.
Plant spring-flowering bulbs.
Keep rhododendrons and camellias well watered so that next year's flower buds develop.
Harvest sweetcorn. When it's ripe, pinching a kernel will release milky sap. If the sap is watery, leave a little longer to ripen. Don't over ripen as sugars will turn to starch.
Pinch out the tips of cordon tomato plants so they put energy into ripening fruit and not leaf growth.
Remove any leaves shading the fruits of pumpkins and winter squash to help the sun ripen them. Lift the fruits onto a slab or board to reduce rotting.
Cut bean and pea plants down when they have finished cropping, but leave the roots alone as the underground nodules contain nitrogen which will fertilise the soil.
Pot up strawberry runners to make new plants for next year.
Pick apples and pears. Test by gently twisting the fruit which should come away easily. Remove any rotting fruit to stop decay from spreading.
Bring any houseplants that have been outside over the summer indoors.
Pull netting over ponds to reduce autumn leaves in the water.